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out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
The UK has Marmite. Australia produces
Vegemite. Yosemite (properly pronounced “Yo-se-mite”) was the
bear meat version developed locally by red-bearded frontiersman
Samuel Yost. The American piquant is no longer made but this
savory DH is a substitute to relish as it spreads its way north
from Oakhurst into the heart of the spectacular Yosemite Valley.
Bear in mind, you do have to take the fabled Scenery reports
with more than a few grains of salt. Mostly you’ll see trees;
the mind-blowing stuff only appears near the very end. On the
other hand, a yeasty Twistiness seasons the entire journey. Once
in the national park itself, less-palatable Pavement combines
with raunchier Engineering for a somewhat grittier mouth—er,
tire feel. Accommodation in the park is limited, so vast numbers
of pylons consume this delicacy early in the morning, then clear
out in the afternoon. To go against this flow, eat this one up
as a late brunch. While you can no longer savor Yost’s creation,
chewing on this gamey ride to Yosemite will, like the other two
condiments, undoubtedly help to “ensure you and your family keep
nerves, brain and digestion in proper working order.” And if you
wash it down with a tipple at the end, remember to raise your
glass to the original Yosemite Sam.