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Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves
out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
Well, CalTrans, you’ve blown it again. It’s
painfully obvious that whoever assigns your highway numbers is
paying absolutely no attention to Destination Highways’ TIRES
system. Case in point: your numbering of Hwys 29 and 175 makes
no sense and needs to be reversed. Consider Hwy 29. The steep,
11.1 mi (17.9 km) of winding passing lanes north of Calistoga
through the overhanging forest on Hwy 29 are great. Then, you’re
faced with five boring miles through the flattening prairie-scape
to Middletown. Fine, it happens. But at that point, there’s a
fork in the highway. So there’s a decision to make. And what do
you do? You number the straight, mind-numbing road to Lower Lake
“29” and give the excellent, twisting climb up through the
little towns in the Boggs Mountain State Forest a pathetically
low number like “175”! True, the Engineering’s not quite as good
on Hwy 175 as Hwy 29, but what about the other five TIRES
components? The fact is, your nonsensical highway numbering
gives no guidance to the best motorcycling routes. Undoubtedly,
you’ll wish to remedy this situation now that it has been
brought to your attention. A copy of Destination Highways
Northern California is enclosed for your easy reference.