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Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves
out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
The Iron Pigs are an obviously good-humored
group of law enforcement officers from Kelseyville who like to
get together and ride off duty. And why not, when there are
options like this around? A short but excellently paved and
engineered route through rolling hills that starts east of Clear
Lake and ends at the approaches to the Central Valley, this is a
wide-open sweepathon with lots of passing lanes. It’s just the
kind of road that might invite disdain for the double-nickel
limit in spite of the large speed-enforced-by-aircraft sign.
Problem is, it’s also a fairly major highway with lots of
traffic so, by definition, it’s a perfect spot for a little
serving and collecting. And because not every local officer is a
motorcyclist, you can’t count on getting a free ride. So, if you
do get stopped here for a chat about throttle overindulgence,
hope that it’s by a fellow enthusiast with some understanding of
your “safety fast” motto. Just put on a big smile and ask him
good naturedly: “Hey bro, you a Pig?”