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Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves
out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
Forget about Willie McCovey, Willie Mays or
Barry Bonds. The Tall, Giant and Founders Trees are just some of
the MVPs you’ll see on this steadily winding, Hwy 101 crisscross
through Humboldt Redwoods State Park. Unfortunately, these
evergreens on steroids attract so many tourists, concessions and
souvenir stands, it can sometimes feel like you’re on the
concourse at Pacific Bell Park. Though the Pavement is major
league pretty much all the way, Engineering only bats about .500
on this road, its average brought down by some of the tighter
turns and lack of shoulders in the taller-treed sections. Of
course, if you’ve just come off DH64 Lost Coast, the P & E here
will feel so great, you might start thinking the Giants can’t be
beat. Then again, that’s what everyone thought back in ’02.