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DH47(Non Feature DH)
Readers Rating: No. of Ratings: 17  

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52.9 mi / 85.1 km


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At a Glance
Evolution or Intelligent Design? Some believe that this DH evolved over the generations from old logging or gold trails, the naturally selected route through the Diablo Mtns. They point to the untamed Character and Stone Age Engineering of the northern half this route, most evident in the primitive 8.5 miles (13.7 km) of precarious one-lane road that climbs off the wide, smoothly paved flat south of Livermore and adapts to the sharp, wavering lip of the deep trough of Arroyo Mocho. They say that this, along with the pleistocene Remoteness and dry, rugged, unblemished Scenery, is a glimpse of a DH in transition. Others dismiss these claims, arguing all you need to do is look at Del Puerto Canyon Rd, particularly the divinely paved and engineered canyon section that esses east of Frank Raines Regional Park, to see that this route is the obvious creation of some higher power. But whether you prefer your fish insignia with or without feet, there’s one thing we should all remember: the importance of respecting and preserving this and all Destination Highways – and even Twisted Edges, for that matter – regardless of their origin. And isn’t that really what we want our kids to learn at school?
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