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Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves
out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
Google has maintained that (unlike
Microsoft?) they would “do no evil” and “make the world a better
place” while making “all the world’s information universally
accessible and useful.” So goo guys, what’s with the 43,756
pages of irrelevant goozak when you just want a little road
info? Not to worry, riders. TIRES only comes up with relevant
results. And, in this case, you can cast your online vote for
CalTrans, which not only keeps the Pavement up to snuff on this
romantic coastal route, but also throws in extra Engineering
help when necessary. There's lots of archetypal California beach
and offshore islet Scenery as you cruise the bluffs and benches
just inland from the Pacific. That is, if the cold California
Current isn't shrouding everything in a heavy, wet blanket of
fog. It can be quite cool here even when it's sunny. And when it
actually precipitates, you can freeze and drown if not properly
attired. Towns are generally small and don’t sprawl much but the
popularity of the Mendocino coast for holiday home development
does impact Remoteness, although many places seem rarely used.
Twistiness is good with the southern half scanning better than
the north. Certainly, this long, Character-filled DH should make
your world a better place. But don't take our word for it – given
our history of crashing, we could be part of Gates' Evil Empire.
So go on and google DH29. That is, as long as you're not behind
the Great Firewall of China.