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Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves
out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
Back in the early 1900s, Boonville
residents invented their own language to baffle outsiders. With
its originators gradually dying off, the old dialect is pikin’
to the dusties as they say. Fortunately, this twisty, smoothly
paved and generally well-engineered ride that esses through the
woods up and down from the scenic Yorkville Highlands vineyards
and then sweeps across a farming flat is a deep moshe with much
bahlness (a great ride) any language. Traffic’s never too bad on
this DH, even on summer weekends when bright-lightners come up
from the Bay Area deekin' on frattey nooks (looking for wine
tasting rooms). Back in the day, got so Boontling was used so
often, local folks forgot how to speak English altogether. Just
imagine – a whole town full of motorcycle mechanics.