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Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves
out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
At a Glance
Skaggs Springs Rd, also known as Skaggs
Springs International Raceway. And why is that? It sure ain’t
the 30-mph (50-kmh) – yes that’s 30-mph! – speed zone that
yellow flags the best part. No, the nickname is the reason why
there’s a 30-mph speed zone. It’s well blogged that this road is
a Mecca for speed lovers and those who hunt them by land and
air. But c’mon. How cynical can CalTrans get? In a sane world,
this wide, seamlessly paved, perfectly banked and contoured
invitation to rip would be posted at 55 mph (90 kmh). This would
at least give you a fighting chance with the speed tax
collectors. But no. It’s only when the DH peters out and the
road transforms into a horrendously bumpy and brutally
engineered one-and-narrow-two-lane trail to the coast that the
restrictive speed zone ends and you can legally crank it up.
Sure, sure, the Lake Sonoma Rec Area’s lush landscape of rolling
treed mountains and valleys is nice to look at, but let’s face
it – that’s not why you’re here. So, given there’s a good chance
Officer Marien is waiting, there’s really only one question: Who
wants to go first?
Submit your Rating / Review:
Rider Reviews:
'A race track with traffic lines and a spiteful 30mph limit. Take it slow from west to east checking for the law, then turn around at the stoplight and enjoy this road at an easy 70+. Just remember, weekdays are your friend. The goat-trail part is not so bad, recently spot-patched near the coast so look out for loose gravel.' --Brandon